metastasis and invasion
Replicative potential:
Most of the human cells have the ability to divide up
to 60 times, after that become senescent they lose the ability to
replicate . This phenomenon is given by a progressive shortening of telomeres
at the ends of the chromosome, which are recognized by the machinery of DNA
repair , p53 and RB, as areas of breakage dsDNA, this allows detention cell
cycle .
In cells where the original control points are altered
as cancer, the rescue via non-homologous end joining is activated , this leads
to the formation of dicentric chromosomes, which later in anaphase phase
Telomerase, meanwhile is inactive in somatic cells ,
in cancer cells has high activity, this enzyme 's function telomere elongation,
which in turn facilitate a doubling of these cells.
Solid tumors can´t grow more than 1 or 2 mm in
diameter if they are not vascularized, these require the contribution of O2 ,
nutrients and exchange of waste products .
Cancer cells can stimulate angiogenesis during which
new vessels arise from existing ones.
Cancer cells can stimulate angiogenesis during which
new vessels arise from existing ones.
This vascular neofromación has a dual effect on tumor growth : allowing good tumor perfusion , carrying nutrients and O2 , and moreover , the adjacent newly formed endothelial cells to stimulate tumor cell growth, secretion of growth factors , among these are:
-Colony stimulating factor granulocyte / macrophage
Proteases are enzymes which are released by tumor
cells or by stromal cells in response to the presence of tumor, are involved in
the regulation of angiogenic and anti-angiogenic factors.
Proteases are enzymes which are released by tumor
cells or by stromal cells in response to the presence of tumor, are involved in
the regulation of angiogenic and anti-angiogenic factors
colony stimulating -factor granulocyte / macrophage
These proteases can release growth factors such as :
-bFGF , sequestered in the ECM
They can also release angiogenic factors such as:
Produced from the degradation of plasminogen and
collagen trasnterritina respectively in the cellular matrix
Other angiogenic agent , such as HIF 1 , released by
hypoxic cells induces angiogenesis by an increase in the expression of VEGF and
bFGF , which allow the proliferation of endothelial cells and allow their
development towards the tumor.
In normal cells these angiogenic factors are regulated
by genes such as p53 or BB which are mutated in cancer, example of this
regulation have that p53 stimulates the production of an anti-angiogenic factor
and thrombospondin - 1 represses expression of molecules angiogenic as VEGF .
Invasion and
Invasion and metastasis are biological markers of
malignancy , a tumor mass to be released from a primary to a secondary mass
distal location , require a series of steps , comprising two stages:
-extracellular matrix -invasion
-vascular dissemination, accommodation tumor
cells and colonization.
Extracellular matrix -invasion
Normal cells are adhered to each othe , and have
cell-cell interaction by binding proteins such as E- cadherin, which in
turn bind to catenin which are anchored to the cytoskeleton. A negative
expression of the ability of cells to adhere to one another occurs , and
facilitates the release of the primary tumor .
Tumor cells, degrade the extracellular matrix , by the
release of proteases, this allows in turn the release of growth factors in ECM
. , Example of these enzymes have the degrading metalloproteinase 9 type 4
collagen, and stimulates VEGF release .
These cells bind to receptors such as laminin , the
collagens type 4 , fibronectin , finally we locomotion , given by factors
released by tumor cells motility auticrino factor and growth factor - factor
disperser by hepatocyte cells stroma .
Vascular dissemination, accommodation tumor cells
and colonization:
Tumor cells in the circulation , tend to aggregate in
groups . This is favored by homotypic adhesions between tumor cells and by
heterotypic adhesion between tumor cells and blood cells , primarily platelets,
also bind to the coagulation factor activated and form a emboli.
The formation of platelet - tumor aggregates may
enhance survival , extravasation of tumor emboli located distant involves
adhesion to the endothelium followed by discharge through the basal menbran .
In these processes as adhesion molecules involved :
-Mainly CD44 , which is expressed on the membrane of T
cells , most metástais appear in the first capillary bed available to the